Sunday, March 29, 2009


It has been a while since my last correspondence, but I've busier than usual as of late. I knew I'd have to prove my quality to the Elves of Lorien, but I didn't expect the long hours, nay, days labour winning their trust. They don't even trust their own anymore once they step out of the Golden Wood. My hard work paid off finally though, I gained their trust and was allowed into the Lothlorien proper and even met with my quarrie. The news of Gandalf's fall has darkened my thoughts, almost to the point of despair. My musings, after finding that burnt hat on that small charred island deep within the Misty Mountains, and the charred remains of what could only be a Balrog of the Elder Days were confirmed. Gandalf's last battle must have made the mountains tremble to their roots!

Frodo blames himself, but the solace he has found in Lorien has helped him greatly. I also spoke to Sam, bless his heart, always looking out for his master. The Fellowship made it to this point thanks to Gandalf's sacrifice as well as to Strider's leadership and guidance. I long to speak to him, but he has been unavailable up to this point. During a patrol with Legolas and Gimli, I was sent word of a visitor who wished to see me. It was old Bosi from Moria, he had grim tidings and wished to speak to Celeborn and Lady Galadriel urgently. I vouched for him and was made responsible for all of his actions within the Woods and before the Lady. I accepted, because I know Bosi is an admirable Dwarf and came only at the direst need.

We were brought into the presence of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel and I was awestruck by her presence. I kneeled before her in reverence and I pleaded my case before them. Her voice drifted into my thoughts though her lips spoke other words or moved not. Though Celeborn seemed rash and almost angry at the presence of Bosi, Galadriel was more diplomatic and I believe saw this as an opportunity to bring the two races closer together, after ages of mutual mistrust and animosity. She bade me return to the mines in Gimli's stead and help reforge the past friendship with the Dwarves.

It is a task I will now attempt to the best of my ability.
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